Facility Message Board:
Savage Park, Hilti Park, and LaFortune Park are closed on Feb 6 due to wet conditions. Check back daily for status on weather impacts. Also, We have opened up reservations at all sports complexes for March thru June. Not all fields are opened as we are working around league games and tournament schedules. Make your reservations NOW while fields are available. The reservation proess is automated, create a logon account and follow the menu prompts. Once you have an approved reservation email you are good to go and nothing else is needed! Make your reservations now for these future months, call if assistance is needed at 264-8359.
Diamonds At LaFortune:
LaFortune Fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, @ 6 - CLOSED
LaFortune Field 7 - CLOSED
Hilti Park:
Fields 1-4 - CLOSED
Fields 5-11 - CLOSED
Fields 12-15 - CLOSED
Savage Sports Complex:
Fields 1-5 - CLOSED
Fields 6-13 - CLOSED
Reserve a field using the Facility Reservation menu option above. All field usage must have an approved and paid reservation. Use this homepage to sign up for a login ID in upper right corner. You MUST login to use this field reservation system.